Hallman-Northgate Neighborhood Family Council WinterFest Attended By 125 Local Families

Written by Tim Buckley, January 2023

The "Fun and Safe Winter Festival” happened mid-week in mid-December, on a sub-freezing evening. Given the scarcity of parking for guests at Hallman Elementary, many of those who came walked. But by the time the doors opened, more than 150 families came to celebrate together in the decorated school gym.

The festival was just one of the events organized this year by the Hallman-Northgate Neighborhood Family Council. Almost 500 people attended this. Like the Fun Fridays and Halloween events earlier in the year, each event seems to bring out more people. And with each new event, more volunteers – leaders and helpers – help to make the event a success.

Celebrating our shared experience as neighbors is a primary motivator in these events. Underneath, the neighborhood is building connection and trust with its residents. The events also bring a sense of safety with a large dose of fun.

“People were lined up for a block and a half as we were getting started,” said Eduardo Angulo, a Neighborhood Family Council member. “Every family was invited to pose for a portrait in front of a festive backdrop, and that was a big hit with everyone. They got to construct a picture frame together and then go home with a framed family picture.” There was food, and games and each family got a gift card as well.

Angulo looked back a couple of years to the beginnings of the CBEL-sponsored effort to build resiliency in one of Salem/Keizer’s poorest neighborhoods. “The first meeting where we invited parents to come learn about this effort, only one parent showed up,” he said. “You can’t just announce something like this and expect that people will immediately step up, as a participant, a volunteer, or a leader. To create human wealth, community wealth, it takes time; it takes trust; and it takes support.”

Before participants left the Winter Festival, before they picked up their family portrait, each participant was asked to answer survey questions. Their answers will continue to guide the Family Council’s decisions and their activities in 2023. It’s an example of how festivals and fun can also help create the agenda for further steps bringing more safety, equity and resilience.

The survey asked, “How can we better support Hallman-Northgate families?” Here’s the summary, from more than 100 who responded.


Clifton Taulbert, Author of 8 Habits of the Heart Speaks to 50 Community Members


Social Change