CBEL supports three key Collective Impact Initiatives in the Salem-Keizer area.
Marion & Polk Early Learning Hub
Early Learning Hubs in 16 regions across Oregon are getting Human Services, Health, Early Learning, K-12 Education and Business Sector partners to work together to create local systems that are aligned, coordinated, and family-centered. Families receive the support they need to become healthy, stable and attached and their children receive the early learning experiences they need to thrive.
Fostering Hope Initiative
CCS serves as the lead partner for this neighborhood-based collective impact initiative designed to strengthen families, mobilize neighborhoods and promote optimum child and youth development. It is a partnership of government, public and private organizations joining together with a common goal. FHI operates in high poverty, high need neighborhoods. Each FHI Neighborhood is staffed with a Community Health Worker who works with families and community partners to help support strong families and safe, healthy neighborhoods.
Mid-Willamette Valley Homeless Alliance
The Mid-Willamette Valley Homeless Alliance, or “Alliance,” is a collaborative organization engaging in a communitywide commitment to coordinate, leverage, and align efforts and resources to prevent and end homelessness. Recognized by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in December 2019 as the Marion-Polk region’s Continuum of Care, the Alliance does not provide direct services. Rather, it focuses on communitywide planning and coordination, e.g., aligning services, implementing a strategic plan, collecting and analyzing data, expanding participation in Coordinated Entry, and bringing chronic and Veteran homelessness to functional zero through Built for Zero system improvement strategies. The Alliance is also responsible for annually compiling a single community application for federal Continuum of Care dollars.