3rd Annual Neighborhood Family Councils Fun Fridays
We are so excited for the 2024 Fun Fridays!
Started by the Hallman-Northgate Neighborhood Family Council (NFC) in 2021, this family-focused summer event has become a staple in the NFCs commitment to promoting the Strengthening Families Protective Factors. Often attended by over 500 families and their children, this event brings local organizations and service providers to the affected in their own community to get them connected to tangible resources. Everything is free, including dinner, a ton of activities for kids, and tables full of raffle prizes!
In 2023, this event expanded to include the Kennedy NFC who hosted 2 of the dates at St. Edwards Church in Keizer. In 2024, there will be 3 total Fun Fridays split over the following dates and hosted by 3 different councils.
See below for dates, locations, and contacts if you have general questions, would like to represent your local organization/agency, or you want to volunteer!
A huge thanks to Sodexo for the food provided to families at this year’s Fun Friday events!
JULY 26th
Hosted By: Highland Neighborhood Family Council
Location: Salem Evangelical Church Activity Center in Keizer, OR
If you have questions, are associated with a human services organization/agency and want to apply to host a table, or want to volunteer, you can contact:
Call or email:
Darian Owens, CBEL'S Neighborhood Family Council Outreach Coordinator
Phone: (503)881-1096 | Email: dowens.nfc@gmail.com