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West Salem PEACE Walk

Peace Walk | Caminata por la Paz

Peace Walk Goals:

  • To be present in a place as a visual reminder to God's presence in all things.

  • To engage with people along the route and share with them that they are seen and loved,

  • and our desire for them to experience peace and safety.

  • To discover beauty in places and people who can often be interpreted as "broken."

  • To love and serve the neighborhood by picking up litter.

Objetivos de la Caminata por la Paz:

  • Estar presente en un lugar como un recordatorio visual de la presencia de Dios en todas las cosas.

  • Interactuar con las personas a lo largo de la ruta y compartir con ellas que son vistas y amadas,

  • y nuestro deseo de que experimenten paz y seguridad.

  • Descubrir la belleza en lugares y personas que a menudo pueden ser interpretadas como "rotas".

  • Amar y servir al vecindario recogiendo basura.

January 16

Community Forums on Education

January 17

Fostering Hope Initiative Community Cafe - Claxter Crossing